Catching up with Brock Hanson

At only 29 years old team roping Champion, Brock Hanson has his whole life ahead of him, but after chatting with the header for a short time it is easy to tell his passions stem deeper than just “swinging a rope.” Debating whether to hit the rodeo circuit for the 2015 season or continue his horsemanship and training business, Hanson weighs up his options.
Explaining his thoughts and experiences whilst being on the road, Hanson knows all too well how hard it is to make a “comfortable” living doing what he loves; yet it has fulfilled his dreams. Now, however his passions have turned to horsemanship and training, as well as training, showing and selling a handful of outside horses. “To me team roping is all about the horse you’re mounted on; there are so many factors that go into ‘rodeoing’ including your team of horses. But now we have some great jackpots and events like the NTR that allow ropers to breathe a little.”
Hanson uses a great comparison when explaining his love for team roping, “It is a huge ‘growing sport’ and it doesn’t matter what age you start. Football is a sport you grow up doing but if you’re not drafted after college your career is done. There are people who have never roped in retirement who are just now picking up a rope. I love to help people and I believe there is a big gap in horsemanship in every level of team roping. That’s why I love that part. There is room for people to learn as far as horsemanship.”
Hanson may still have a big decision to make before the “pro rodeo” season kicks off, however with a decision many face at some point in life, he’s taking into account all aspects and taking his time. “For me it all comes back down to horse power. I have a couple of younger horses I bought last year that I couldn’t dedicate 100% of my time to but I’ve been riding and changing a few things with them, so we’ll see where they are at closer to the decision making time.”
What is your biggest pet peeve? I hate when my hat, or another ropers, hat falls off; especially more than once. If you can’t keep it on then take it off.
What is your most embarrassing moment? I’ve had so many embarrassing moments that it doesn’t embarrass me anymore. But at my first college rodeo I fell off during the run; roped my horse’s front feet and the horse freaked out. The rodeo coach not happy needless to say.
How did you propose to your wife? She was actually mad at me and I didn’t want to fight so proposed right then and there (haha). I actually had had the ring for a few weeks but we had just a little stupid argument and I didn’t want to deal with it so I proposed. I guess I thought this was a great time to find out if she loved me or not.
Favorite fast food? In and Out Burger. If you’re in Texas they think Whataburger is better, however it’s In and Out Burger.
Dodge or Ford or Chevrolet? I’ve had all of them but I just traded a Dodge for a Chevrolet.
What is the first thing you look for in a roping horse? To me conformation isn’t such a big thing like it may be to other horsemen. I’ve seen one that looks like a junker and turned out great; don’t judge them on that alone. I do NOT, however, like a gray horse and a head horse has got to score good.
What do you like to do when you get a day off? Hunt
If you could rope with anyone who would it be? My dad and brother. I’ve roped with the best in the business but I have to most fun with them and I’ve also won the least amount with them.
If you could have any other job what would it be? Professional golf player. It’s such a laid back job, they get paid really well and visit cool parts of the world. I can’t even hit the ball but if I could be good golfer that’s what I’d want to do.