Father-Son Duo Top National 10

It's Monday morning and Ace Peterson and his 14-year-old son, Whip, are headed to a new place in Morenci, Arizona, one they partnered on with his wife's cousins.
“It has a forest allotment and we needed to get the cattle off,” said Kay, who has been married to Ace for 19 years. “It is very brushy country, hard to get around. I was actually helping them a little by telling them what I could see on google maps from our home computer. They got rained on, were hot from the work they’d done and trying to find a trail out. It got dark and I imagine then they got cold, hungry and tired. They called me at one point and said they were going to stay the night out there! My cousin Ryan came to the rescue, so they stayed with him and went back to get the mavericks the next morning.”
Born and Raised
This is just a typical day in the
life of a ranching family and Ace has been doing it since the day he was born. Six
generations deep, Whip is following in his footsteps. “I was born a rancher and
a cowboy,” said Ace, who grew up on his family’s Hidalgo County ranches and
then bought the Hatchet Ranch in Hachita, New Mexico, with his brother and
parents. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted to be.”
Kay also grew up in a ranching
family, originally near San Simon, Arizona, and then closer to Bowie and
Willcox. “I went to high school with Ace’s cousin who dated my step sister, and
he wanted us to meet,” Kay explained. “We met in high school but didn’t end up
getting together until he was 22 and I was 20.”
Two years later they were married
and living on the Hatchet Ranch.
“We lived right across the
driveway from his parents,” Kay explained of her in-laws, Andy and Louise
Peterson. “We wondered how it would be, but they were great. We could work
together during the days and have dinner with them at night. If I went out with
the guys doing cowboy stuff, then Louise would get dinner ready. They always
respected our space.”
The Hatchet Ranch is located in
the southwest corner of New Mexico in the high desert along the US-Mexico
border and it’s not the easiest place to make a living at it.
“There’s not a whole lot of easy when you’re ranching,” Ace said. “If it doesn’t rain steady enough you have to sell cattle, and it seems we go from one drought to the next. But you make it work.”

As a way to skirt around drought
conditions, the Petersons would move their cattle onto forest land in
neighboring Arizona each winter.
“That’s kind of why we ended up
here, in Arizona,” Ace explained. “It got to be hard moving the cattle across
the state line. Forest was cheap, and we had an opportunity, so we moved off
the Hatchet Ranch. My parents are still there, but I think Paradise is where
the Lord wanted us to be.”
The Peterson’s purchased a ranch
that bordered the forest and relocated to 100 sections near the ghost town of
Paradise, Arizona, in summer of 2017. While it’s still high desert the adjacent
forest allotments provide cheap, more lucrative grazing ground for the cattle.
“There’s a little store and cafe
in nearby Portal, then a post office, gas stations and a church in San Simon,”
said Kay, who enjoys home schooling her kids. The kids, on the other hand,
would much rather be outside doing ranch work.
“You pretty much have to hold
them all back,” Ace laughed.
“Oh, I hate school,” agreed
Dally, 11, who is third in line and the only girl. With three brothers she
“never had a chance to be a princess,” as the family likes to say. Rewind to
life on the Hatchet where the Peterson’s four kids were born and raised.
The Next Generation
“Quirt was due on our first
anniversary,” said Kay, who also never had a chance, this time at picking her
son’s name. “Ace had told me he was going to have two boys and name them Quirt
and Whip. I kind of laughed but I went along with it.”
Three years and three months
later Whip was born.
“Whip has always been pretty
quiet,” Kay said of her second son. “He didn’t have to talk because Quirt was
always there. Quirt was shy at first, but he was always the outgoing one. And he
was always passionate about roping. I can remember him swinging a little string
at 1, following Ace around. He won his first dummy roping buckle when he was 3.
When it came to school, he wanted to get his work done as fast as he could,
right or wrong, and get outside.
“Whip on the other hand might be
quiet, but he has a little twinkle in his eye,” Kay continued. “He’ll take his
time with his work and likes to get it all right.”

Another three years and three
months later Dally was born.
“She loves to win,” Kay said of
her only daughter. “She’s small for her age, she’s pretty quiet too. She’s a good
helper for me in the house but she’s a cowgirl. Dally was never passionate
about roping the way Quirt and Whip were but we just kind of made her. With our
lifestyle you need to know how to rope and we weren’t going to be buying barrel
Five years later Rowel, now 6,
entered the scene.
“He’s pretty wild,” Kay said of
her youngest. “Our goal is to not let him be the spoiled brat. He thinks he’s
boss. He talks a lot and makes a lot of jokes, but he likes school, and for
that I’m grateful.”

Gone Too Soon
On October 10, 2018, tragedy
struck when Quirt was involved in a ranching accident that took a talented
young cowboy much too soon. News spread like wildfire throughout the Arizona
and New Mexico ranching communities of which the Peterson family has been a
part for decades. In the worst of times their impact was clear. People rallied
support for the young ranching family with an online benefit auction that went
viral. You could read for days condolences from people who had known and loved
“It's hard to believe that this
young man has already been called up to ride with Jesus,” Nick Robbs exclaimed
in a post following his untimely passing. “I met Quirt Peterson at our recent
Rodeo Bible Camp where I took this picture of him. He didn't get thrown (I'm not
sure if anything could throw him) and he settled his horse down quickly after
this shot. He was the poster child of 1 Timothy 4:12, ‘Let no one look down on
your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show
yourself an example of those who believe.’ Quirt was that example!”
“I wasn’t raised Christian,” Kay said,
“but then I met Ace and his mom. She was the main reason I became a Christian.
I learned that it was the way I wanted to raise my kids. Throughout my
spiritual growth over the last 20 years I have witnessed little miracles that
have proven it’s real.
“I would say my most fun miracle
to talk about is one from this past January. I was reading my morning
devotional and it said essentially to ask God for something big. I always like looking
at pictures of Quirt and I thought if I could look at his pictures without
being sad that would be amazing. A few hours later we went to our church and I
had this thought come into my mind. ‘He moved.’ That’s so simple and I kept
thinking, he moved, he just moved. Maybe people are going to look at me like
I’m crazy. I don’t care. If you believe what the Bible says, and we do, Quirt
is alive, he just moved.”
The Petersons attend the San
Simon Baptist Church which has an average congregation of about 20-25.
“That’s more than the Hachita
Baptist Church, where there’s about eight,” Ace laughed. “We also have a little
youth group the kids go to in Willcox every Wednesday night.”
National Champions
Before kids and when the kids
were younger Ace and Kay attended a lot of the ranch rodeos. As the boys got
older, they started to team rope. It was something they could do as a family
and they enjoyed attending NTR events in recent years—where Ace could rope with
the boys and the boys could rope together.
Quirt and Whip had in-fact
qualified for the 2019 National 8 Finale up and back. Ace was allowed to take
Quirt’s place, but they had to move to the National 10 Finale.
“Neither one of us was roping
very well,” Ace said, “We didn’t want to ask anyone else. We don’t have a lot
of time to practice but we darn sure made a point to practice before the Finals.”
The father-son duo came back
sixth high call and had to wait it out. Whip has ice water running through his
veins when it comes to short rounds. “I didn’t think that we were going to
place so I wasn’t worried,” he explained. “When it got down to the third
high-call and I thought we had a chance, I was nervous then.”
Ace self-confessed he was the
anxious one and ultimately feels the pressure anytime he’s roping with his
kids. After five teams fell short Ace and Whip were crowned the 2019 National
10 Finale Champions.
Whip, a freshman in high school,
has been attending the Arizona High School Rodeos heeling for Kenzie Kelton,
Mayer, Arizona. In addition, he enjoys going to the local ranch rodeos and even
competed in a couple of Working Ranch Cowboy Association Finals qualifiers last
“We’re trying to get a team
again,” Whip said. “We just a need a bronc rider.”
Although he’s a former National
Junior High Finals qualifier in the steer saddle bronc he says no way will he
be riding broncs— he’ll stick to roping, and he’s equally talented at both ends
of a steer.
“I like heading and heeling,
both,” he said “When I’m struggling at one end I go to the other. It usually
And work it did. Not only did he
win the National 10 Finale heading for his dad, he turned around and won the
National 8 Finale the following day heeling for Zane Compton (read more on page
TK). They were high team back and made a clean run.
"Being high team back for
$20,000 was nerve-racking for me,” Kay said.
In the little spare time they
have left, the Petersons help produce the Hidalgo Youth Rodeo Association
(HYRA) rodeo series in Lordsburg, New Mexico, July through August.
“We’re the first ones there and
the last ones to leave,” joked Ace, who is hesitant to admit they are the ones
in charge. They have been involved with the HYRA rodeos for about 11 years and
now Whip is helping as a stock contractor.
“I bring the steers,” he said.
“I’ve got about 50 cows now. We rope them at the house, then haul them there.”
In addition to building his herd
Whip likes to buy, sell and trade horses. His goals in the arena include a trip
to RFD-TV’s The American in Arlington, Texas, and the Cinch Timed Event in
Guthrie, Oklahoma. Aside from roping his real passion is punching cows on the
Arizona and New Mexico desert.
“Whip loves roping,” Kay said,
proud of her son’s accomplishments. “If he’s ever going to get a present, he
wants a rope. The first afternoon we got to Wickenburg he was so excited to go
to the new NRS (National Roper’s Supply) store. He bought a handful of ropes
and when he won, he said he wanted to go back. That’s all he wanted to do.”
A cohesive ranching family, they
work together, rope together, laugh and learntogether.
“When I look at the picture of
our family with the Finals background, I see Quirt and Jesus standing there
with their arms around us,” Ace said. “Quirt is alive and with us. We were so
blessed at the Finals. It was truly a miracle.”