On My Mind - Classifications

Let me be clear . . . not every roper can be a 3 or 4! It’s out of hand - there are ropers who have been roping their entire lives who want to be 2 & 3 ropers! Or parents who have children that catch 20 steers in a row, that think the kid is still a 4!
Team roping is a mature sport; most ropers are classified correctly. There are some concerns for example the young kids who get better each year. However, the TRIAD does a terrific job staying on top of it daily. Classifications are designed to offer ropers of different abilities a chance to be competitive. They are not designed to make sure you can get the best partner and therefore have an unfair advantage over the rest of the field.
I’ll finish with this, if you get a call from the TRIAD office about a change in your classification, be NICE! For goodness sake, you don’t have to be rude and call names. It’s UNBELIEVABLE what the nice folks at TRIAD classifications have to endure. They are only doing their job; which is to help YOU have a level roping field. If you don’t like it - take up knitting or do anything else, but QUIT WHINING!