It doesn’t seem to be! Wickenburg, Arizona is fast living up to its reputation as the “Team Roping Capital of the World.” In the last three years the roping scene in Wickenburg has changed from ‘Beaver BirdsTuesday ropings' and occasional ropings at the rodeo grounds, to having ropings every day. Who’s who and what’s going on? Here’s a list of arenas and some of their activities.
1. Wickenburg Rodeo Grounds - Beaver Bird last year moved his Tuesday roping’s to this great facility; Beaver is the original producer who still tops all team counts every week! Darren Peterson’s Longhorn Productions also produces a roping at the rodeo grounds every Monday. Plus there are also ropings hosted on the weekends including Scott Witworths‘Silver Bit Classic’; a three day 2,000team hit.
2. Simpson Ranch Arena - Larry Simpson and his wonderful family produce ropings on Wednesdays and Friday at this arena. The Simpson’s are probably the reason there are so many ropers in Wickenburg today, with 50 RV hook ups and many of the winter roper’s call Simpson Ranch home.
3. Downtown Arena - This will be the second year of operation for this new arena (its name is true to form); it really is located in downtown Wickenburg. Mike Fuller and Dean McIntyre will be producing ropings three days a week downtown; Monday, Thursday and Sunday.
4. McFarlands Arena – This arena is located about 15 miles west toward Wickenburg West (Forepaugh area). Kyle Chrissman last year had very successful ropings a couple days each week, however, we are yet to see what his plans are for 2015 but they are sure to draw the teams.
5. Western Trails Ranch - Located 12 miles south of Wickenburg, High Call Productions will be producing ropings on Thursdays and Saturday. This one of a kind facility is a ‘way cool’ facility - adjacent bull riding arena, with a full service restaurant and bar 30 feet from the arena with patio tables to kick back and enjoy lunch and watch the roping.
6. Rancho Rio Arena - With a two arena set up, Rancho Rio can get through the teams and quick. This years’ schedule includes weekly ropings; Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Plus featured National Team Roping Tour ropings will be held on most Wednesdays and Sundays. Rancho Rio is also the home of the Gold Rush Week where they rope for 11 days straight and National Nine Finale, held March 7th.