The Last Hurrah
Last Hurrah
April 10 & 11th, 2015
Rancho Rio
Yost Events
#11 Megabucks
1st in Ave - 30.34 on 4, John Mitchell & Dewaine Carlsen $2930.00
2nd in Ave - 33.24 on 4, Macy Fuller & Tony Hannan $1830.00
3rd in Ave - 33.24 on 4, Fred Ennist & Dewaine Carlsen $1830.00
4th in Ave - 36.19 on 4, Barbara Kenney & Jerry Webb $730.00
1st out of Ave - 7.08, Skip Shamp & Carl Luna $200.00
#10 Roping
1st in Ave - 30.68 on 4, Baraba Kenney & Greg Baldwin $2140.00
2nd in Ave - 34.90 on 4, Mark Aragon & Gene Good $1620.00
3rd in Ave - 34.99 on 4, Willy Vietor & Francisco Carbajal Jr. $1070.00
4th in Ave - 36.01 on 4, Barbara Kenney & Francisco Carbajal Jr. $540.00
1st Round Payoff
1st - 6.88, Sam Scott & Don Charging $300.00
1st out of Ave - 6.03, Neil Bartelson & Don Charging $200.00
#10 Legends
1st in Ave - 32.90 on 4, Barbara Kenney & Floyd Marshall $2000.00
2nd in Ave - 41.87 on 4, Mark Aragon & JR Rodriguez $1480.00
3rd in Ave - 43.62 on 4, Bill Phillips & Dan Cross $1000.00
4th in Ave - 43.77 on 4, Mark Aragon & Floyd Marshall $490.00
1st Round Payoff
1st out of Ave - 7.98, Bill Phillips & Dan Cross $300.00
1st out of Ave - 13.47, Skip Shamp & John Miller $200.00
#11 Roping
1st in Ave - 28.14 on 4, Dean Drosos & Richard Lightcap $1880.00
2nd in Ave - 30.43 on 4, Willy Vietor & Gene Good $1410.00
3rd in Ave - 32.81 on 4, Dean Drosos & Carl Luna $940.00
4th in Ave - 35.22 on 4, Don Brown & Gene Good $470.00
1st out of Ave - 7.90, Shannon Riggs & Wayland Riggs $200.00
#9 Saddle Roping
1st in Ave - 25.43 on 3, Faith Johnson & Robert Gosney $2680.00 & Saddles
2nd in Ave - 27.84 on 3, Arianna Assini & Justin Stegall $1790.00 & Buckles
3rd in Ave - 30.23 on 3, Sandy Budgen & Dick Kittel $1380.00 & Buckles
4th in Ave - 30.88 on 3, Jimmy Welsh & Gene Beck $980.00 & Buckles
5th in Ave - 31.20 on 3, Rochelle Fielder & Larry Klinger $720.00
6th in Ave - 32.56 on 3, Willy Vietor & Bill Davis $580.00
1st Round Payoff
1st - 8.04, Barbara Kenney & Doug Williams $300.00
2nd - 8.09, Justin Davis & Gene Good $200.00
1st out Ave - 12.24, Bill Spratt & Don Charging $200.00